Author: nwfadmin

Public Hearing: November 29th, 2016

There will be a Public Hearing on Tuesday November 29, 2016 from 3:30 to 4:30 PM held at the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority main office at 5302 Brown St. Graceville FL, for the purpose of discussing the 2017 Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan. Both residents of the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority and the General Public are invited to attend and present their comments. Proposed documents related to the hearing are available for review and inspection at the main office during normal business hours.

Download Full Notice

Invitation for Bid: Wewahitchka, until 10/6/16

Download Bid Sheet Here

Notice of Annual Meeting: December 10th, 2015

Notice of Annual Meeting: December 10th, 2015

Charles Loyed, Santa Rosa Co., Chairman
Linda Mick, Escambia Co., Vice-Chair
John B. Eubanks, Liberty Co.
Tom Cumbie, Gadsden Co.
Robert “Bob” Anderson, Dixie Co.

You are hereby notified that the Commissioners of the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority are called to meet in Annual Session at 11:00 a.m., C.S.T., Thursday, April 14, 2016. The meeting will be held at the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority, 5302 Brown Street, Graceville, Florida.


  1. Review/Approve Minutes of Special Meeting held on December 10, 2015
  2. Election of Officers
  3. Any other business which may legitimately be considered by the Board

View Full Announcement

Request for Proposal: Audit Services, until 4/20/16

Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority (NWFRHA) is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) from qualified certified public accounting firms to provide the Housing Authority with an annual IPA Audit.

If you would like to submit a proposal, please download this document for more information.

Invitation for Bid: Malone, until 3/3/16

Download Bid Sheet Here

Invitation for Bid: Graceville, until 3/3/16

Download Bid Sheet Here

Notice of Special Meeting: December 10th, 2015

The Board of Commissioners of the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority will hold a Special Meeting on December 10, 2015, at the NW FL Regional Housing Authority Central Office, 5302 Brown St., Graceville, Florida. Meeting will begin at 11:00 p.m. C.S.T. The meeting will be open to the public.

Public Hearing: November 4th, 2015

There will be a Public Hearing on Wednesday November 4, 2015 from 3:30 to 4:30 PM held at the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority main office at 5302 Brown St. Graceville FL, for the purpose of discussing the 2016 Capital Fund Program Five-Year Action Plan. Both residents of the Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority and the General Public are invited to attend and present their comments. Proposed documents related to the hearing are available for review and inspection at the main office during normal business hours.

Request for Proposal: Contract Administration, until 7/8/15

Request for Proposal: Contract Administration, until 7/8/15

The Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority (NWFRHA) is currently seeking proposals for services from a consultant on a work for hire basis to provide Contract Administration in our Public Housing Development’s.

The following will be required:

  1. Complete set of Construction Documents
    1. Architectural drawings
    2. Specifications of acceptable construction methods
    3. Specifications of acceptable materials and/or products
    4. Product and product data review for compliance
  2. Construction Contract Documents
    1. Bid Forms
    2. Agreement Forms
    3. All applicable HUD forms
    4. Review of all forms for compliance
    5. Presence during preconstruction conference, if necessary
    6. Presence during bid opening and contract award
  3. Observation during Construction
    1. Periodic site visits
    2. Written progress reports
    3. Pay request review and/or approval
    4. Preparation and review of all required close-out documents

Each proposal must include verifiable prior HUD experience.

The Housing Authority will accept an option for additional quantities of work or performance periods deemed applicable to the phases of our ongoing modernization program.

Proposals should include qualifications, related experience and proposed costs.

Submit proposals in writing to Mr. Kemmie Messer, Executive Director, Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority, Post Office Box 218 Graceville, FL 32440.

Northwest Florida Regional Housing Authority is an Equal Opportunity Housing provider.

Proposals will be accepted until the close of business day on August 7, 2015 at 5:30 PM CDST.

NWFRHA reserves the right to cancel this RFP, or to reject, in whole or in part, any and all submission received in response to this RFP, upon its determination that such cancellation or rejections is in the best interest of the Authority.

Invitation for Bid: Jasper, until 6/4/15

We have units that require roofing work in Jasper, Florida. If you would like to submit a bid for this work, please download this document for more information.